Join Pack 383

Ready to Join?

National BSA is doing away with the old paper applications, so the best way is to sign up online.

First step is to submit an application through the National BSA website. Click the computer icon below to go to This will register you with National and your youth will show up in our Scoutbook Pack management system. National’s registration system will prorate the fee based on the end of the calendar year.

One quick note, on, the first thing you will do is create a parent account. Make sure you use your information, including birthdate, during this step. Once your account is created, then you will be able to add a youth. That is when you enter in their information.

Once registered with National, there is a Pack Dues item in our website store that covers your yearly pack dues, the council dues, a subscription to the Scoutslife magazine, and a full years extension of the National dues. Please click the Pack Dues graphic below and carefully read the instructions provided.
